Compression Stockings and Socks

Custom Compression Stockings

Compression socks and stockings are specialized garments designed for a critical purpose: to apply gentle pressure to your legs and ankles, promoting blood flow from your legs to your heart.

These garments are a cornerstone in preventive and therapeutic health care, significantly aiding in circulation and reducing the risk of swelling and varicose veins.

Compression socks and stockings are engineered with medical precision. They provide gradient compression, which means the level of compression is highest at the ankle and
gradually decreases towards the knee or thigh. This design is essential for stimulating blood flow, helping to prevent blood pooling in the leg veins, thereby reducing the likelihood of swelling and clot formation.

The materials used in compression socks and stockings are also more robust and elastic than those found in regular hosiery. This elasticity applies consistent pressure on
the muscles and blood vessels of the legs, which supports the veins and promotes the flow of blood back to the heart. The pressure these garments provide also supports the lymphatic system, aiding in fluid balance and reducing edema. 

Types of Compression Socks

Finding the right type of compression socks can be confusing. This is because there are several different variables to consider, including:

  • Level of compression: The pressure level of a compression sock can be mild, moderate,
    or firm. This pressure is typically noted in millimeters of mercury (mmHg), with higher
    numbers equating to more compression. Your medical provider can advise you on which
    level is appropriate for your needs.
  • Length: Depending on the targeted region of the leg, compression socks can cut off at
    the ankle, knee, or even the thigh. The stockings can also have an open or closed toe to
    ensure the garment fits properly and has the intended effect. They also come in a
    pantyhose version.
  • Material: Several different elastic materials are used to manufacture compression
    stockings. These fabrics are designed to wick sweat from the covered region and make
    the garments more breathable. The socks also come in a variety of colors, making it
    easier to wear them with your normal attire. 


Contact the team at Vertex Performance today, and we will get you started on your journey to recovery!